

无锡豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是一家以 水渠机为主的经营企业,公司地理位置优越交通十分方便。我们交货及时,价格低,质量优,节假日照常营业。公司凭借雄厚的实力,丰富齐全的规格品种,完善的质量保证,合理的价格,优质的服务,不断地受到新老用户及业内人士的肯定和信任,我们本着及用户之所及,想用户之所想的服务宗旨不断地拼搏,进取,在此对多年来支持我们的各行各业的新老朋友表示由衷的感谢,愿我们今后的合作更加愉快!我们一贯坚持 “ 质量di yi、信誉至上 ” 的生产服务宗旨,奉行 “ 以人为本,诚信立业 ” 的经营理念,秉承 “ 只有专业,才成事业 ” 的发展思路,竭诚为广大新老用户提供优质的产品和优良的服务。


Working principle and application of hose pump: The hose is arranged in a U-shape in the pump body. When the rotating body drives the extrusion wheel to rotate, the extrusion hose is elastically deformed by the extrusion wheel, and then the suction port forms a negative pressure suction slurry. By the push of the squeeze wheel, the slurry is discharged from the discharge port, forming a pressure transfer of the slurry. Industrial hose pumps are mainly used for the long-distance transportation of viscous slurry in the fields of construction, underground engineering, mining, food, papermaking, ceramics, metering pumping, pressure grouting, spraying, etc.

